Shah Amitabh #CoronaDiaries – Street Art Warriors

#IndiaFightsCovid19 At the start of May 2020, India entered the third phase of the world’s largest lockdown induced by COVID-19. As the number of Corona positive cases refused to subside, a number of awareness initiatives and drives were launched. Civil society, social activists, health workers, artists, and many more also joined the government in this […]
#CoronaDiaries by Shah Amitabh – Pregnant Women

Food and Preventive Kits Distribution by Shah Amitabh Amidst the outbreak of Corona Virus, our Team led by Shah Amitabh launched various relief initiatives. One of these includes distributing food and preventive kits to the poor and needful in the city. Yuva Unstoppable envisions spreading kindness. And it is this that we are exactly doing […]